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PWM amp cooler

~~META:description abstract=Fan driver for the PWM amplifier~~

Fan driver for the PWM amplifier


Max ADC input voltage is 1.1V (higher means saturated).

Output of TMP36 in volts is V(T) = 0.01 * T + 0.5, targeted temperature range is at least [20 .. 100]°C, that is [0.7 .. 1.5] V.

Theorical response is 0% up to 50°C, from 0% to 100% between 50°C and 75°C and 100% above 75°C.

Needed multiplier before ADC is at most 1.1 / 1.5 = 0.73333, R1=33k and R2=82k fits (0.731).

ADC(T) = floor(1023 / 1.1) * U(T)

PWM(T) = {T / 25} - 2 (min 0, max 1).

OCR0A(ADC) = 255 * ({{{1.1 / 1023} * {ADC / {R2 / {R1 + R2}}} - 0.5} / {0.01 x 25}} - 2)

Using OCR0A(ADC) = 49 * (ADC - 665) / 32 (fits an int 16) gives an average of 3.6% deviation from theorical response.

Calculation file



Source code

// CPU frequency 9.6MHz
// Temperature sensor (TMP36) on ADC3 (PB3)
// MosFet output on OC0A (PB0)
int main(void) {
	int16_t t;
	ADMUX = 0x43;	// internal reference, right adjust, ADC3
	ADCSRA = 0x87;	// ADC enable, prescaler to 128 (175us/conv.)
	TCCR0A = 0x83;	// fast pwm on OC0A
	TCCR0B = 0x01;	// prescaler to 1 => f=37.5kHz
	while(1) {
		ADCSRA |= 0x40;			// start conversion
		while(ADCSRA & 0x40);		// wait for completion
		t = ADC - 665;
		t *= 49;			// approx.
		t /= 32;			// 1.6451
		if(t < 0) t = 0;		// limits
		if(t > 255) t = 255;		//
		OCR0A = t;
	return 0;


projects/pwm_amp_cooler/home.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/30 21:13 by